About us
The history of our company dates back to the early 60-ies of the 20th century. For almost 30 years the company was functioning as a family-run workshop producing and repairing knitting machines. At that time the political situation in Poland was genuinely unfavorable to any kind of business development, nevertheless it hasn’t had any impact on providing good quality services to the customers.
The experience in using metal machining and welding production in manufacturing precise products as well as the long tradition started to provide benefits during the political changes in our country. Even the market collapse did not result in bankruptcy of the company but led it to cooperation with other polish innovative companies and interaction with similar foreign partners. In a short period of time we increased the number of employees and modernized the machinery park.
In 2002 we implemented the Quality Management System up to the PN-EN ISO 9001 standard and in 2018 we adopted it up to PN-EN ISO 9001-2015 requirement.
These proceedings allow us to think henceforward and assure our customers that they have made the right decision choosing us as a business partner.
Founder of the company – Alfons Studziński
Owner – Tomasz Studziński